Watchtower follows TwinTower
Klaus Vollmer
JoinedPosts by Klaus Vollmer
by Mary ini think it's time bethel got a new sign out front, one that really speaks volumes and is far more suitable to their "read god's word the bible daily.
i was thinking: .
oh what a web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!
The Story of Berta
by larc inthe story of berta - berta was born in 1900 in pitt county, north carolina in the country outside of greenville.
when she was ten years old her father died in a hunting accident.
when she was 22, her oldest brother, frank, moved the family, the four sisters and another brother to ohio to find a better life in the north, in a factory town.
Klaus Vollmer
fine stroy,
another Berta was witnessed by Friedrich Krupp AG in Germany. As she was made fat, she was called the "fat Berta".
she was heavy made from special steel and was used in ww1 as weapon against France and the others of the allies.
Fat Berta was the canon that shot large shells behind the frontline.
Her voice was yet not soft, but mighty. but she did not find the way to the Judge, who prefered to live in the house of the princes.
but if the krauts would have get him, they would have fired him by Berta into outer spaces where no spirit drinks were available.
poor Berta, no joy, no toy by the joyous judge
by termite 35 inif i rode like they've just played i'd be embarassed.. england just finished a match that looked like a sunday morning kick about.. where was their drive and passion?.
why were there so often unmarked brazilians?.
why do we lose all our energy and flag,mentally?.
Klaus Vollmer
Rule Britannia!
but not in soccer. The huns are riding and the cowboys shooting.
We'll see if Wyatt Earp or Schickelgrubers home mates will make the match.
and later the winner must find a way through the narrow canyon which may be called Bresil, Senegal, Corea, Turkey.
Inch allah
but: its a match only and no lousy war - and afterwards the players may drink a beer together while the fans start ww3.
most sad was the story that the Italians have fired the legionaire from corea as he shot them out of the match.
that is some stupid action like the duces trip to the Cyreneika
England must cheer for Germany -Yanks please read!
by nicolaou inwish i could claim this but i can't.
credit to des kelly of 'the mirror'
there are times when you just have to switch sides.
Klaus Vollmer
Germany neither lost the war nor came 2nd. It was divided into 3 states and now there are 2 states inclusive austria, which is more german than the germans and these send mr schickelhuber :-) Luxemburg is a german state too with french destination reasoned by the desire to be different from the germans. but we speak german at home.
on the other hand the former enemies made Germany more effective: less country, cheaper structures and concentrated experiences. So Poland now has lot of Wheat and Oat and Barley, they can feed the EU in future.
the 15 million refugees from the east were assimilated meanwhile and made a new nation of McDonalds und Burger Kings.
I guess they will win against uncle sam in soccer, England will loose against Bresil and the Truks will rise against Senegal.
if the turks get the bowl I guess that McDonald will be anmed into McDoener and Burger King into Cevap Kral.
But I enjoy the games and find much sympathy for those. crews that do a top soccer If Senegal would become the n^1 I guess the world economy would increase much more: every AFrican would buy a ball and a whistle and between Limpopo and Sambesi they would call for Cecil Rhodes as referee.
Rule Senegal
Scanned Copy of Newsweek Article on JW Child Abuse
by hawkaw inplease note the article is on "right side" with a "tan coloured background".
this is page 81 of the june 24, 2002 edition (on sale now - as of june 17, 2002).
it's a small article but .....!!!!!
Klaus Vollmer
hawkaw here is a german cartoon:
1. to short - the skirt 2. to deep - the decoltee 3. unmarried and pregnant 4. too young 5. the most evil sin 6. after a hard day some recreation, guy what am I modest dont you know that from anywhere?
by Sabine inlast saturday, a former ministerial servant and pioneer committed suicide in the woodinville washington kingdom hall parking lot.
he was disfellowshipped several years ago, and according to the old sister that related the story to me today, he was depressed because no one would talk to him.
i don't know how i kept calm when she explained to me that "we couldn't talk to him...he was disfellowshipped.".
Klaus Vollmer
sabine, what means "cocky elders"?
do they have spurs at the boots or do they ride their own hens? or do you mean they cant acknowledge any situation?
a sad story beside, thanks for sharing it to us.
I guess, most elders are stupid and the less they have to say at home the more they steer the congregation.
poor wts
Surviving the Hearing to DF Me.
by Sentinel ini must say that reading all these posts have really brought back so many memories for me.
i had a terrible experience at my hearing, which i believe now, really bordered on sexual abuse of the mental kind.. our congregation was small.
this was difficult for the few young people that attended.
Klaus Vollmer
its always the same I hear: the JC members are horny to hear what happend. they need it to hear, they are longing for sexual experiences they cant make themself. So it is a wonderful occasion to squeeze out those who did it.
I ask myself if they get more horny by listening. speaking of help they dont support, only to justify their own position and to keep the flock in fear. its something strange to me.
Do they forget Jesus who send the woman that was known as adulterer away, without throwing stones?
What is help? Help starts in finding solutions to make a fallen person strong again in mind, in the desire to get gods favor. As long as they df someone who confesses his sin, they are harder than hard, bonehard and dead like dead bones.
now onder that meanwhile young jws have practice in double personality - the smile in the cong and the dirty talking outside.
so the declared spiritual paradise is nothing more than an ugly place where you play the game "the kings new clothes". the child molester thing is the best example of how that paradise is in disharmony with the real living.
when do those ivory tower managers awake from their dream? I guess they will when the divine trail starts at their own skin.
speaking about good things and doing them is quite a different world
Sister Venus Williams
by messenger in,6903,727737,00.html.
what planet is she on?
she was a prodigy who was trained by her father, but that's where the likeness to the other focused, driven champions ends.
Klaus Vollmer
yesterrday she had a match in Paris - against her litttle sister.
wow what sexy femmes, frozen nipples and lages until the venus hill.
Guess that is a witnessing for the hitch tower -
JW DF'd Over UN Issue Commends Silentlambs
by FreePeace inbelow is an e-mail i received from a former sister in the pacific northwest.
she was df'd several months ago for discovering and asking about the un controversy.
being rather inexperienced with the internet, she stumbled onto (i believe) and printed out info on the wts's un connection.
Klaus Vollmer
its always the same story: there is a name from the GB and all bow their knees before that kind of god who gives advices with the demand to be the great adviser.
When you look back into history you see that also those men from ivory tower were wrong and now when they are dead they are eaten up by worms like others too.
I dont beleive that they play on the cellenial harp.
If god is merciful he will redemm them. but beware: their responsibility is greater than the one from file aand ranks.sorry to the experience our this jw has made, sorry that life of a young person is rubbed out by stiff tradition.
the time comes, where jws will roaor aloud and the ivory towers will break into peaces. Concrete heads never had perspektives. they are bald in know how and narrow minded in human touch.
I cant eat as much as I want to spit onto brooklyn bridge
by crawdad2 inthe 16 yr old girl get's raped by a 26 yr old ministerial servant,.
so she goes to the elders about it.. the elders arrange a judicial committe meeting and listen to both sides of the story......... then they go to a room for five minutes and come back, and tell her that they are going to privately reprove both of them.........."furious", she asks what she is being reproved for, and they say "fornication".. they remind both of them to not gossip about it or tell anyone.. because it will bring reproach on jehovahs organization.. the girl, then goes to other elders, and appeals the elders decision, and complains that she got raped!!!
!.....she gets another committe meeting,,,,,they quickly come to the same decision and warn her to keep quiet,,,,,,,she goes to other elders.....they promise to help her...they believe her, ...days go by.........months go by...........she is in a meeting when they announce that brother rapist has been given a part on the assembly.........everyone claps........she goes back to the elders asking them how it is that he just got a part on the assembly, when he just raped her............they start reminding her to be submissive to the lead or they will take action,.....she can't keep quiet........they anounce that she has been reproved.........she starts speaking out against the whole body of elders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,bingo, she is disfellowshipped for apostacy, and there is no value to her claims at all,,,,,,,,she was just an apostate fornicater, trying to smear a nice brother.....
Klaus Vollmer
what a story, what a thing
those elders are really protecting the flock before raped girls.
a raped girl has no value, seems nothing worth to be protected and the flock needs examples.
as there were no 2 witnesses it is logical that the girl is wrong.
why disfellowhsipping a qualified young man?
1 ms less means more work for the elders.
a girl cannot serve. and being raped means she is no clean virgin.
what a male thinking this underlines
I guess in this congregation the women march 3 steps behind the men with the daughters while the men walk ahead with the sons.
how equal and righteous is life over there?
send the lawyers and legal consultants to desert. may they excommunicate the dingos and cojotes for howling to much.
as persecution does not come by governments they make it by own tactics.
what a disqualified couple of men. I t seems they are castrated and sing now the high "C" in the choir of mad dog doctrines.